
Reykjanes og fegurð þess

Where the hot river met ice cold ocean.

 One of the magical, top secret spots...

model- forever inspiring, Bergþóra Einarsdóttir


Beware of the White Holes

When the cold wind blows really strong, hardly ever stops, the sun does not come for a long time, it feels like spring will never come,  I think of all strong Icelandic Woman of past. 
 Who by being  deeply connected to the Earth and elements that create both their and Earth's body, became as strong as fire, waters, winds, rocks...  
These elements are so powerful here, Earth shakes every day in a creative dance... its surface cracks so the light can come in and so the light from within can shine back at us,
every now and then you can stumble upon a White Hole too ;)

To them- all strong woman, I want to dedicate these photographs.

Here portrayed Bergþóra Einarsdóttir- a dancer, choreographer, mc, poet, acrobat, yogini, magician
 and a wonderful friend.

HOODOO ∆ VOODOO- ZAZAZOZO in Collage Des Bernardines

What's been in preparations during the month of cherry blossoms in the City of Love... 

Last performance of ZAZAZOZO, in Collage des Bernardines, Paris, April 2nd, 2014.
Photographs by me and Jakub Cabalka

video by Jitka Halířová

Costumes by me and ZaZaZoZo

make-up by Melanie Bonajo
Performance by Melanie Bonajo & Joseph Marzolla 

Choregraphy by Luigia Riva

Performers: Simon Wald-Lasowski, Roberto Pérez, Kyky Trytry, Jasper Griepink, Julie Higonnet, Camille Gerbeau, Aimé Matoko, Alex June, Sandra Berrebi, Patricia Salen, Tom Lerville.


My very special thanks for their presence, help, love and support during these very hectic times to: Jasper Griepink, Roberto Pérez, Asako Lethelier, David Herman, Bianca Casady, Jean-Marc Ruellan, Romain Bernini, Caroline Niemant and the amazing Zazazozo!


Jaguar Sun



On these days all birds in the forest were making love. The wind was making love with the trees,
 and Sun was making love with me.
One brightest sun ray reflected itself in my eyes and my eyes saw themselves in the mountain stream, with the stream I traveled down to the vast, deep seas, forever humbly surrendered to the waves and the eternal dance of the ocean I am the most bountiful harbor too...

The Spirit Weavers

Couple of months ago I was asked by my amazing star sister, Amy Woodruff aka Daughter of the Sun to prepare an image for a beautiful event, the  Spirit Weavers Gathering which she is a founder of. The gathering will connect many beautiful souls who came here to weave these threads made of light, connecting all of us, so we can all live truly from the heart... It will take place next week on magical land in Joshua Tree, California.
 Preparing that image had been an honor and a great adventure for me to explore a technique used by the amazing Huichol people of Mexico- painting with threads, yet another way of trespassing the rigid rules of linear time, mastering patience and being completely in the here and now.
It's been a beautiful time for me to devote many winter evenings to creation of this piece, with which I want to send my love and bless each person that next week will be weaving magic with Amy and all the wonderful teachers, the Desert, the Sun and the Moon.

model, basking in the first February Sun- Marzena Gebala


The Magi

The Magi knows the language of Light, Color and Sound...


  Model- Marta Hordowicz