
Sage II

Sneak peek of ''The king is helpless'' photo shoot, experimental dance theater, inspired by chess game,
London,may 2012, project on tour in 2013.
Costume design by me, assistants- Rosie Mae Hoskin, and Sara Brown, beading made with a great help of all amazing performers:)
dancers-Sigriður Sunna Reynisdóttir, Eva Signý Berger, Nicky Waters, Teele Uustani, Bergþóra Einarsdóttir, Karolina Boguslawska, Krzysztofjastrubczaklukaszkaczmarek, and me.
photos taken by me, and Rosie Mae Hoskin.


  1. This is what you where doing in london, amazing .... it must have taken a lot of yoga to relax from so much beading..... still in aww with you
